Tonight at long last, I get to work on the quilt again. I worked friday, sunday, monday and today, and Ethan was home Saturday with me, so I couldn't work on it any of those days. I have 8 squares across done, and my original plan was to go 10 weeks across and 11 down. I think I am going to look at it when it is 9 squares across and see just how wide that is, because I was thinking of putting a 3 inch or so border around the outside, and maybe 9 squares across is enough.....the squares will be about 94.5 inches across, so that would be 100 inches. Wait a second, that sounds huge. I am only 69 inches tall. There is no way the blanket is supposed to be gynormous like that. Maybe I need to investigate further....
work, work, work. I have this massively head injured kid that I have had for the past 3 days, and we really have things worked out. His mom is nuts, but he is all confused from a big whack to the head. I have him calm, cooperative and not trying to walk on his terribly broken leg. He broke both arms, his hip and shattered his face and leg. His leg will need to be amputated if he walks on it again before it heals, so we are doing everything to keep him off it. We put a mattress on the floor, since he kept climbing out of bed before. That seems to work well. He has been doing so good, it is nice to see SOME progress being made. He will never be his old self again, but just being functional is a step up. Anyway............
How'd he hurt himself? MVA?
I find that the quilt is never wide enough. The blankets underneath are always longer, so measure your other blankets and make sure the quilt is wider so that the bed always looks nice when it's been made, and you don't have sheets and blankets poking out everywhere.
I do have a massive sheet. I hate it. It always sneaks up and tries to choke me and twists around my legs and I basically have a lot of issues with this sheet. And it hangs almost to the floor, it seems. So I can aim for that monstrosity.
Yes, it was an MVA, single car rollover versus (eventually) an embankment with 2 fatalities at the scene. Unknown seatbelt usage. (probably not.
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