I also purchased my White Elephant gifts for this year's "Cooper Kids Coast Christmas" exchange, and got gifts for the neices and nephew. I do enjoy Black Friday. I get the paper the day before, then read through all of the ads and see what is massively on sale. I cut out the ads for things I want to get, then glue them all to a piece of paper with the store name and time they open. Then I figure out which store to hit first, and I am set. Today my plan was Toys R Us first, but I got there and there was a line all they way around the block and ZERO parking in their teeny lot. Since I knew the gifts I bought were not doorbusters (but WERE on deep discount for Friday only), I knew I could afford to come back in 45 minutes or so once that line disappeared. So, I headed over to the mall to hit Sears. Got exactly what I came for, utilized the checkout stand in the women's clothing department (the line was 15-20 people deep to checkout in the electronics department upstairs, but NO wait on the first floor), and headed out.
I drove past Toys R Us to Old Navy, since you have to take a left out of the TOys R Us parking lot to get to the area where Old Navy is, and there is no stoplight to help. It totally sucks. So I hit up Old Navy, got a couple great $5 shirts and sweaters, then headed back to Toys R Us. No line to get inside now. I got the gift I was looking for, then stood in a line that snaked throughout the entire store as I waited to checkout. I did the remainder of my Christmas shopping as the line moved along.
After that, I headed to the Home Depot near my house, bought my tree and called it a day. I was home around 9am.