Just for Sabrina. My camera came back much sooner than expected, so here are some pics of the wall that I painted. It is much darker than the light sage pictures (flash), but less avocado than the darker ones (no flash). Rest assured that it is gorgeous.

Love it. LOVE. I think you should continue it on the big picture wall to the left of the dining table, or on the wall that has the sliding door on it. LOVE it. YAY Ethan for budging! What does he think of it?
There is no slider upstairs. Ethan will lose his everloving mind if I try to paint another wall green. We are in discussions to alter the shade of white that we currently have, since we are due to refresh those walls, anyway.
I don't know about gorgous...I like the avocado shade but not the sea foam green. I agree with Ethan....green walls are overrated. As for needing more than one discussion over what shade of white to use....hmmm. Don't think too hard, your brain may explode. Then who would be our UDF?
OMG...almost 20 days without a post??? Your anonymous commenter needs something to comment on!!! I am totally bummed about your lack of attention to your blog. I would think you would have some new pics to take with your noncat-peed on camera. Maybe your new white/not really white wall? Common...give us something!
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