Oh yeah--since we were all dressed up, we got formal pictures taken, and paid several arms, legs and a torso to bring them home. I will have to get Kim's versions and scan them as well. I totally forgot to post pictures from the previous night. We had formal pics taken then, also. And, now that I think of it--Monday wasn't a formal night. It was a fancy restaurant, and *that* is why we dressed up. And Kim's birthday and all that. Anyway. Pictures.
Nevermind. Formal pictures scanned so big, they are freezing up my computer. I will fix and try again. Here are pics of our dinner and the restaurant.
Ethan's seafood appetizer

French Onion soup for me. Not as good as the same soup in the main dining room, but still delicious.

Seafood amuse-bouche that I gave to Ethan. Apparantly it was delicious.

The beautiful china and chairs of the Pinnacle Grill

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