what have I been up to lately....
We just got back from a whirlwind trip to Missoula to see our good friend Kim get her MBA from UM. It was a short but very fun trip. I am still coveting her sister Erica's house (where we had a 10+ hour BBQ event after the graduation). Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. She extensively remodeled and finished up the 1930's house and I am in love, love love with it. Makes my house seem so sad. We have a nice house, just no storage whatsoever. Anyone have storage ideas?? My teeny closet in the master bedroom seriously needs some help. I actually use the spare bedroom #1/cat hospital room closet for my clothes, since there isn't enough room in our teeny closet. We need a closet organizing system of some sort. I will look into that..
I have gotten official permission from Ethan to repaint the upstairs and stairway in our house.......white. I *do* get to choose the exact shade of white to use, which will be fun. We both agree that the paint is looking old and needs refreshing. I enjoy painting, so I will get to that one of these weekends. I lost my three day weekends with my job change, so it is harder to do things around the house than it used to be. I am utterly unmotivated in the evenings when I get home (around 5pm), since I head up to bed in the 8 o'clock hour. (I water the cats, putz around, then read before actually going to bed, if you were wondering)
Anyway. No excitement in my life right now, which is not necessarily a bad thing. A boring thing, but not a bad thing. Just boring. Like I said.
We are excited to have mom coming up in a few weekends to visit. Haven't seen her since she had her cochlear implant activated, so that should be cool. We may or may not go to the Folklife festival. Maybe just hang out around the house or go to Lincoln park or something.
Our grand plans for this upcoming weekend involve a Storm game on Friday (first of the season for us!), then the big decision--deciding between seeing The Avengers and Battleship. Ethan is uber excited about both, and I really like movie popcorn, so it is a win-win situation. (both movies look interesting to me. Not 'newfavoritemovieofalltime', but interesting).
So. My life, updated....
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