Is it bad that my patient just told me that he is from Oklahoma and I was tempted not to give him his pain medicines???? Just to clear things up, my cats did NOT die, and the health of everyone in my family is okay........but they sold my beloved Sonics and Storm to a group of investors from Oklahoma city, and the team is about 99.9% certain to be moving to Oklahoma city after the end of next season. That is a total of around 80 games a year, depending on playoffs, that Ethan and I will not be attending. Another 80 games that we won't be watching. Three walls of our sports room that are now meaningless. $3000 a year in tickets, plus countless dollars on drinks, dinners, and merchandise purchased each year. Plus several hundred dollars worth of playoff tickets, parking fees, and general entertainment dollars that we desperately want to spend, but will not be.
Two years ago, after the Sonics' unlikely rise to greatness and deep run in the playoffs, I wrote a passionate post about how much I loved this team, and what it all meant to me, and how excited I was for the next year to come. In October 2004, I watched the Storm win a world championship, screaming my lungs out, losing my voice and taking 350 pictures in one game of every moment. I knew it would never be that good again. The first championship must always be the sweetest. But I thought I would have other chances, other seasons, other amazing games to watch. Ethan and I always said that we knew we would eventually see the the Sonics win a world championship, because we would never give up our tickets, and it MUST eventually happen. Maybe when we were old, but eventually.
Not now. One season, then they are gone. We have no one to root for. Once a player leaves, you have to let them go. I was so upset when they traded Desmond Mason away with Gary Payton a few years ago. I see him play and have a soft spot for him, and hope he does well, but I don't follow him, and I don't want him to play well against US. When they are gone, they are gone. You root for the TEAM, not the players. Now the team is gone. Do we drive down to Portland a couple times a year to become distant Blazer fans?? Do we get tickets to the Husky games and forgo the NBA altogether?? We haven't decided yet. All we know is this is painful, horrible, and not okay. Oklahoma-not OK. The new Seattle pro-basketball fan anthem.
Because the Sonics were sold by the owner of Starbucks to a groupl of people guaranteed to move them away from the Pacific Northwest, we are boycotting Starbucks. It is easy for Ethan, since he has never actually gone there, but I did some math and figured that I spend on average $792 a year there. Lots of things I could buy for that amount.......
I will join you in the boycott. Locals are cheaper anyway.
I can't believe they sold the pinche sonics and storm. Pendejos!
Well, I guess with all that extra time and money on your hands..... you better just go ahead and make some babies.
Pendejos! (teehee)
Cool.....maybe the espanol will give me more sitetracker hits.....
porn poop pee eyeball hairy twisted spider underwear supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous
There. GOOGLE should find you easier now!
I'm super bummed that this has happened to you. I the same about fishing and I think I'd have a fit and fall in it if there were nowhere nearby to fish.
Feeling for you.
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