Monday, November 24, 2008

A few of my favorite things

Whenever Ethan and I go on vacation, we try to get some sort of souvenir to bring home to memorialize our trip. Here are a couple of things we have come home with.....
This is a hand carved wooden walking stick we got while on our honeymoon in Jamaica. Ethan is NOT a haggler, and he had a heck of a time working out the deal on this. I was getting my hair braided at the time, and I remember seeing him go walking past with a troupe of villagers in his wake, all offering him their wares...

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

LOL about the fish! I LOVE the ornament, you should get one ( anornament/hangy thing) of those each vacation you take, and when you set up your big holiday tree ( some year ) you'll have all your happy memories over the years represented on that final happy display of the year!