I took the opportunity to purchase a fake Christmas tree for the Amersons whilst doing my Black Friday shopping. It was originally $199, but marked down to $49, so we went for it. Ethan mostly had fake trees growing up, so he was a pro at putting it together. And quite impressed with the advancements in fake tree technology. I wanted a clear light tree, but they only had 2 left and they were both colored lights, so I snatched it up. We will decorate it with our meager supply of ornaments tonight. (Ethan just got called into work to fix a lock in the psych ward that a patient has destroyed).
I also purchased my White Elephant gifts for this year's "Cooper Kids Coast Christmas" exchange, and got gifts for the neices and nephew. I do enjoy Black Friday. I get the paper the day before, then read through all of the ads and see what is massively on sale. I cut out the ads for things I want to get, then glue them all to a piece of paper with the store name and time they open. Then I figure out which store to hit first, and I am set. Today my plan was Toys R Us first, but I got there and there was a line all they way around the block and ZERO parking in their teeny lot. Since I knew the gifts I bought were not doorbusters (but WERE on deep discount for Friday only), I knew I could afford to come back in 45 minutes or so once that line disappeared. So, I headed over to the mall to hit Sears. Got exactly what I came for, utilized the checkout stand in the women's clothing department (the line was 15-20 people deep to checkout in the electronics department upstairs, but NO wait on the first floor), and headed out.
I drove past Toys R Us to Old Navy, since you have to take a left out of the TOys R Us parking lot to get to the area where Old Navy is, and there is no stoplight to help. It totally sucks. So I hit up Old Navy, got a couple great $5 shirts and sweaters, then headed back to Toys R Us. No line to get inside now. I got the gift I was looking for, then stood in a line that snaked throughout the entire store as I waited to checkout. I did the remainder of my Christmas shopping as the line moved along.
After that, I headed to the Home Depot near my house, bought my tree and called it a day. I was home around 9am.
very,merry and beautiful too.
black friday for me was a bone scan
and mammogram . no waiting,no lines,wonder why.
Love Gramie
LOL Grammie!!!!!
What, no tree shaped fabric on the wall??!!
Woohoo for the boob crunching, Gramie. Every woman must do it sooner or later, and what a nice christmas gift it can be when they tell you all is well!
Woohoo! The Amerson's have some home decor for the holidays!
I'll have you know that I am not against the fake tree. In fact, we plan on getting one after Christmas. I really wanted to stay with the real ones, but we don't have any luck keeping them alive through Christmas day and the holidays move so fast that it would be nice to have a tree up for most of the month.
I shopped on Black Friday in Idaho but wasn't blown away by anything in particular....
No, I seriously thought you would be thrilled that we ARE decorating this year.
With Ethan's surgery, it was go early or don't go at all....so we went early. We have stocking holders for our mantle now, too. And a long leafy garland for the mantle. Actually, that is old, but we hadn't used it for a while. Shadow insists on tasting the tree every time he walks past it. He is certain that at least ONE of the brances is real and therefore edible....
You saw the first part of my post. I am most excited that you decorated! I'm participating in a December daily challenge at a popular blog to document the whole month of December and take photos and journal every day... it really helps with the "Christmas spirit" because time moves so fast. It has helped me get into the holiday mood because I want to have something to write about every day!
SShhh.. my kiddos are likely getting a kitty after we get home from the coast. I'm looking at a Calico or a tabby. Through petfinder it looks like they have a couple of cute ones at the Prineville Humane Society. Wish us luck! Morgan loves on small animals so hard. PJ is gentle though.
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