Lets see........
The sports room is really coming together nicely. Every time I come home, Ethan has something new up or moved....the room looks a lot bigger now that it is not being used as a box storage place. He took the old shelves I removed from my scrapbook room and hung them on one little wall, and they hold a lot more and look very nice, so the room looks bigger.....
The upstairs living room is together now, except for us needing to buy end tables, coffee table, lamps, etc. What IS there looks nice, so it is a start.
The cats are THRILLED with the house now. They tear around chasing each other, and it is amazing how much noise they make! No wonder our old downstairs-neighbors hated us! The cats are so noisy! They jump off things so un-gracefully, with a big thud when they land. It cracks me up to see/hear them tearing up the stairs and spinning out on the laminate floor, so they slide into the wall or couch. Just like in those cartoons!
Gotta go give a pain pill.....will add more in a sec....
This has been a VERY long second................
Oh, think about this! I bought two very adorable, rather large stuffed animals at Walmart the other day. One is a very cute bear, and one is a very cute dog. I'm bringing them to Portland so that you can take pictures of them hugging my PG belly. They are going to be the stuffed animal that the little one gets it's picture taken every month with. They are going to be at the hospital too, and are going to be like those Jack-n-the box balls or the gnome that goes everywhere and gets pictures taken. I'm going to make a separate, small little album of the first year with the animal. If it's a boy, the album is going to be called "A Tail of Puppy Love". Isn't that cute!!!! I really think the bear is adorable, but if it's a boy, I have to go with the dog, which is also cute. Now I need to come up with a catchy title for a girl album.... "Wuv you beary much" or something like that. Anyway.... I'm excited because I haven't really bought anything for the new baby yet... I want to see who it is first... but I HAD to get these stuffed animals, first because I was afraid that even though they aren't bunnies, they'd be gone for Easter.... and then because I need to start!
Anyway.... doesn't that sound CUTE!?
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