We went to a Storm game last night. Actually, they played just terribly and we left after the third quarter because it was so sad and we didn't want to stay and hear our team get booed.
That having been said, I love going to these games! I think back to the day we won the WNBA championship and it absolutely brings tears to my eyes. We stood up just about the entire game, and no one had a voice the next day. During the playoffs, in the previous round, I got a call from Sabrina while at a game. Turns out she was in active labor and going to get an epidural in a couple hours. I finished the game, dropped Ethan off at home and made it to Tacoma General in plenty of time to welcome Miss Raegan Skye into the world. Perfect timing!
The final game, we just KNEW we were going to win. The previous games had been hard fought, but this one was OURS. We screamed and clapped and generally raised the roof that night. There was solid screaming the entire game. You have never seen a crowd so pumped up. We won that game by like 20 points. It was never an issue. Sheesh, even WRITING about that day makes me tear up! It was such a good team. Everyone got along, there was so much chemistry between the players. Such a good time...
Last night, I saw the Savior for the very first time in person. After the first quarter of play, I looked up and saw Kevin Durant walking towards the halfcourt sideline seats. If the Sonics stay in Seattle, it will be because of this man. Getting that #2 draft pick was HUGE. Created a rumble locally. Maybe enough to save the team. I know LeBron is the King, but this could truly be the Savior for the Sonics. Hey, there are worse nicknames out there.....
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