So today, I have new hair. I went to a salon, the Gary Manuel Aveda Institute, to be exact, and had my hair highlighted with copper and blonde, and I am liking it. They had a special, since they are just opening, so everything from waxing to color to perms was only $5. I spotted an advertisement in the paper last month and jumped on it. Color was the most expensive thing I could get (other than waxing, but I am not interested. I got a bikini wax before my wedding, and half the hair was still left. I was s lightly disappointed. After all that pulling it still looked crappy and I had to shave over that irritated skin.), so I got highlights. They are basically the same red as before, but more of it and a bit darker/deeper. The blonde is not as noticeable, but I am sure it is there, too. So there.
Also, another position is opening up. I would have to hear more about exactly what they do, but our nurse care coordinator quit abruptly last week and is back as a floor nurse, so her spot is available. We have all been wondering exactly what it is that she does, so it will be interesting to read the job description and see. I would be possibly more interested in this position, since it involves the same patients and nurses I already know here, and that interests me. I will have to see. She suggested that anyone interested talk with the ARNP's about the job description, since they sort of direct that position, and are the reason she quit. Her position was not clearly defined as to what exactly she was expected to do, and it became very frustrating. Anyway......
I had two days off, and have two days off again after today. That is so nice. Only one day off is not enough--you end up thinking all day about the fact that you have to work the next day. But two--you really get a chance to relax and rest. It is nice when these two days fall over a weekend, like it does this week (friday/saturday), so that Ethan and I both have a night where we can stay up late together and don't have to work in the morning.
The other day, I discovered that Shadow's head is the perfect fit for our mini football helmets we got as a season ticket holder gift from the Seahawks. If I can figure out how to get him to hold still with it on, I will surely take a picture. When I put it on him last time, the first thing he did was whack his head into the wall, freaking out trying to get it off. The weight of it really threw him off. It was hysterical. Also, we have a mini Gus Williams Sonics jersey that will probably fit him. Maybe it is a bit too big, but if I can figure out how to put it on along with the helmet, I will send the pictures out as our 2005 Christmas photos. If I survive the scratching that I am sure will follow that situation......
At our last home regular season Sonics game, they had tons of giveaways for fans. We got there late (unusual for us), so it was almost half way through the first quarter, and our seats (Ethan's seat, to be exact) just won an autographed Danny Fortson jersey, and the dance team girl was in the process of giving it to some mooch who had sat in our seats. We have pretty good seats, so people in crappy seats often try to sit in them, hoping that we won't show up. Anyway, our usher knows us pretty well, we talk with him every game, and there are dozens of other season ticket holders who sit in our section that know us or at least recognize us. So when we showed up, the usher, Daren, was all concerned, he said he was trying to tell the dance team girl that those people didn't belong in those seats. When we walked around the aisle to our seats, we got a standing ovation from the section, the people in our seats slunk off without a fight, and we showed our season tickets and claimed our prize. It was crazy. They have some giveaways every game, but we NEVER win, so here we were and we almost missed it!
The people in our section are interesting. There is a woman in her late 50's, I would guess, along with her husband, and I started always noticing when they arrived at the game, since they sit about 4 rows behind us and they have to walk past us, and she always has this bright green and gold felt scarf she wears, which is really bright. So she started noticing me noticing her, and we always smile and say hi. They thought it was pretty funny when I yelled at this guy who had sat behind us and spilled a full beer and did not notify us, just tried to clean it up (which means he sloshed all the beer from the place where his feet go down behind Ethan's seat onto his suede Sonics jacket under his chair. I wasn't so much irritated that he spilled his beer, because, hey, that happens, but if he had TOLD us, we could have moved Ethan's jacket and it would not have gotten wet-the beer did not splash on it directly, just when the puddle of beer became big enough it got all over the coat and it soaked it up.) So this guy didn't say anything, and then at halftime, Ethan left to go to the bathroom, and I looked and saw a stream running down the stairs right by his seat. I grabbed our season tickets (which we keep in a plastic bag just for events like this), and his coat, which was soaked. The guy behind us was not there at the time, so I went to the bathroom and wrung out what beer I could. When I came back, Ethan was in his seat looking confused, since his coat and tickets and ME were gone. I came back in and started yelling at the guy behind him, who tried to act like he had no idea that gravity exists and beer follows the laws of gravity when it is pushed from a higher level onto a lower level including a suede jacket. It was a short yell, not much, a small amount of profanity, I must admit, but he was totally in the wrong. Basically, I said that when you spill a (insert expletive) beer, you TELL the person in front of you, you don't just pretend it didn't happen. I felt bad, because I think it totally ruined his game from that point, but hey--he totally ruined a $200 coat (or at least I now have to get it dry cleaned which will be at least $25). So the couple with the scarf thought it was funny and they like to remind us to cover our things with plastic before we sit.
There is also a couple in their mid 40's who sits in front of us, a couple seats over. They crack me up. They have 2 season tickets, but they always have different people they bring with them, and are unable to get the two seats next to theirs, so almost every game they sit there anyway, and the usher has to kick them out when the people who are supposed to be sitting there come. Goofy. Just sit where you paid to sit!
Playoffs start this weekend, which should be a ton of fun. I got my schedule changed so I won't miss any games. I can work 8 hours on a game day, but not 12 since the games start before I get off, and I did not pay thousands of dollars to watch half of the games. Work has been pretty accommodating. They were great last year when the Storm were in the playoffs.
What else.....oh-I think Ethan and I are going to Reno in June. There is a locksmith convention with classes that he is pretty sure he is going to, so I am going to fly down too. He has I think 3 classes to go to, each 3-4 hours long, and the rest of the time is his to do what he wants with. They will pay for his flight, hotel, a rental car and even a stipend for meals. I just have to buy a plane ticket down, and we are set. Pretty cool. He isn't allowed to take any vacation until he has been there 6 months as a permanent employee, which is in August, so we weren't even going to be able to take a vacation until Mexico in October, but this is just as good as a vacation! It would be 4 nights total, and the week after our anniversary/Ethan's birthday.
Okay, I gotta get back to work. I have a student today, and extremely easy patients and I have been bored to tears, but the student is starting to wonder what we do all day. Maybe I will go provoke someone and cause a problem so she can help me treat it. These days come few and far between, and normally they are pretty nice, but gotta set a good example for the students...........
HA! Provoke and cause a problem...YOU'RE THE NURSE FROM HELL!! No, kidding. I do wish some non-life-threatening action to happen in your area today though. Action always makes the day go faster..
No action today. NONE. But, time is still passing somehow, and it is 130pm, and I go home at 3pm, so that is okay.
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