Wednesday, March 08, 2006 a bit busy last night. I ended up staying 4 extra hours and dealing with crap..... Worked 40 hours over the past 3 days, and now I'm enjoying a nice day off. So nice to be able to sleep in! I am heading out in a bit to get the new Harry Potter movie that came out yesterday. Woo and hoo. Hopefully there are lots of nice extras on there...

Really, there is nothing going on for me to write about on here. I can think of nothing......cats, house, is about it for the moment......
Oh, we DID finally get the foosball table set up. It is so big, we are having a hard time finding a place for it. Right now it is in the computer room, and I think it will stay there. It won't fit in the sports room very well, and isn't appropriate for upstairs, so this is a good spot for it.

Well, Harry is calling. Maybe I will think up some good discussion things whilst I drive to pick him up.....


Sabrina said...

Sheesh about that table.. I thought it was a small version then a real fooseball table! Bummer!
Matt went out late last night after school and bought the newest Potter.. I got through half of it before I had to go to sleep.. but so far.... all I notice is it is SO not like the book! The same basic idea is there, and I know they had to cut some stuff out as that book was so long... but they have completely re-done so many scenarios, left out so many things!

alyca said...

The foosball table is cool.....just having logistical issues.....AND...I got the new Harry Potter movie, and I am irritated....there are NO special features. They will no doubt come out with the special feature version in a couple months, causing me and many others to have purchased TWO copies. So crappy! I didn't check the back of the DVD, because why would I? They ALL have special features. This is really irritating. I would have just rented it and bought later when the full version comes out. Maybe I will sell this one on ebay for a couple bucks.

I liked this movie. They had to cut a bunch out to shorten the time, and I always thought the quidditch world cup begining of the book was SO LONG and drawn out. I am okay with it. That being said, I haven't seen it since it came out last year, and I don't really remember if something irritated me at the time(I don't think so, but I will watch it later today once I get off from work)....

Sabrina said...

Watch and we shall discuss... it isn't so much that they left things out, it is that they CHANGED so many things SO drastically from the original story to fit in with their time frame... yet they spend a good 10 minutes on the Dragon challange, embellishing it to a point WAY beyone that made in the book.