I KNOW there is someone out there who is celebrating memorial day in much the same way as me.....bored to tears, close to a computer. I am at work and have little to nothing to do, with a couple spurts of actual work.
Here's the game.
What is one of YOUR memories?? Any subject, any day--just a memory. In alphabetical order.
I will start--My memory starts with an A (first letter of the alphabet--get it???). I remember Sabrina and I playing in the back yard of the house where we had a front dirt and a back weed (such a sad commentary on your housing situation when your kids totally make fun of your gardening technique by straight-faced referring to your property by front-dirt and back-weed). Anyway, I remember playing back there with Sabrina, and she was sitting on the ground and got bitten by a bunch of fire ANTS (see the letter A??).
I remember being 4 and making some of my first friends on my own.. not sure of their names, but I called them the Brown Boys because their native Hawai'ian skin was so brown! We ate frog legs once.... oops, should have saved that for "F"
I remember that CAT Sam, one of many orange and white Sams we had, who got caught up in the ehgine and Mom rushed it to the vet in a pillow case. That cat DID come home, right? She didn't replace it with another "Sam" did she?
I remember when the DRYER caught on fire from all the lint built up on it, and Jobie saved the day by scooping up the smoldering pile of lint and throwing it outside......
.....on the deck where it left a scorch mark!
I remember when Mom pierced my EARS the first time, and how COLD the potatoe was, and how UGLY the sound it made was when the needle went into the frozen veggie!
I remember mom always making FRIED RICE for dinner, with some veggies and bacon. SO good!!!
I remember milking the GOATS at Aunt Ardenas when we'd visit, how I thought it was SO fun but the most disgusting stuff I'd ever tasted. Especially the Goat Yoghurt!!! ICK!
I remember climbing the "C" HILL every day one summer with my sheep, including getting him to climb the ladder/staircase that gets you over the fence. We were both in such good shape!!
I remember everyone else being INSIDE when I was stuck out in the pumphouse being terrorized by a snake (which Davinie later killed by aiming a .22 in my general direction and letting loose)
Jumping on the trampoline and getting in trouble cuz Mom saw me from the football field and I wasn't supposed to jump unless she was there. Oh, Sterling jumping with a broken leg, as well.
I remember KICKING Sabrina and Jobie out of my bathroom when we had no water for like a month. I would fill up those 5 gallon water bottles and bring a load of them to the house every morning, ALONE, and use one to replenish the tank of my toilet. Which they would use, since it would now flush, and the other one would not. I was so irritated!! I was the ONLY one getting those stupid things, and here they are crapping in MY toilet!!
** OK, I don't remember that. What hosue was that? and sorry about the crapping....**
Alyca and I playing tea party with Barbie tea cups and pitchers, throwing the juice over our shoulders "Oops, I MISSED!" and letting it dribble down our chins " I have a HOLE in my chin!" and LAUGHING so hard my stomach hurt!
**It was the house in Crane, near the school**
(and I am over the crapping, but thanks for the apology)
I remember MOM dressing up as an old lady for Halloween one year, using tape to make huge wrinkles, and putting the candy in a big garbage bag she drug behind her. She totally freaked out the little kids who came to the door!
I remember our NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS in the house on 3rd street with the mom who sunbathed naked in the backyard and whose little boy always ran around in a dress..
And I remember the OOBLAH MONSTER!!!! The green goo that we played with that somehow morphed into a monster and a game played on the giand inner-tube in the backyard.
I remember jarring up bottles of Goofy Goo from the huge PIG at the Valentine farm, I remember "that guy" riding on the huge Goofy and he'd grunt and run around the pen....
I am confused.....who was grunting??? The man or the pig??
I remember mom QUESTIONING Jobie about the strawberry smelling shampoo after his first solo shower (he drank it)
I remember RIDING my half-dead first horse Maggie.. "That Man" would lead her a good half mile away from the paddock and darn'd old thing was so barn sour that she'd sprint the whole way back. That was the only way we could get her to move with a rider. Sigh. Poor thing was glue soon after that.
I remember SYDNEY. No, wait. That isn't a memory.....that is the future. I am going to Sydney, Australia with Mom this September (decided today). Maybe Jobie has memories he can share with me, so I know what to do??
I DO remember SINGING in the school christmas thing in Crane in 8th grade, where we all decided not to sing, and it was just Mrs Bennett singing the words. What turds we were
I remember going to the TURKINGTON'S house and going down into the basement and Alan (the dad) would throw us up into the air. I remember that it wasn't a finished basement, you could still see the insulation between the framing.
I remember Sabrina always wanting to watch the last UNICORN movie, which I HATED. It was too dark, too eerie for me.
Ha!!! You are stuck with 'V'. And no fair using the Valentines. We are looking for GOOD memories. Funny stuff.
I remember we had 2 bunnies that we let go that got under the sheep shed and like 2 months later, those two bunnies had multiplied VERY many times and we had it seems like HUNDREDS of bunnies running around under the floorboards.. we'd pry one up and wait with a basket to catch them while the other person spooked them.. wonder what happened to all those bunnies.. did some of them get with the wild population? Are there even now the occasional black and white jackrabbit or cottontail running around out there in the wild??
Getting VERY drunk at New Years in Victoria
Playing "family" WITH Davinie and always being the dog.
Mom/s XACTO knife with the yellow spray painted dot on it so no one else would take it, thinking it was theirs.
Ha! Thought I couldn't come up with an X word, didn'tcha?!?
AND....I am pretty sure we didn't 'let go' those bunnies. They sorta escaped. Remember we would catch them and try to sell them at school?? I think we caught one or two. Those suckers were fast!
Feeding the YOUNG Bummer lambs eacn morning before school.
Going to the ZOO. Wait.....we never went to the zoo.
Oh-- I remember getting ZAPPED with an electric shock when I took Mom's long hook earings and put them into an electrical outlet. The first one went in no problem, no shock, but the second one totally got me.
Yay! That was fun!
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