Friday, November 03, 2006

No, my blog does NOT is just woefully neglected.....

We are the proud soon-to-be-owners of a fancy schmancy Nordic Track elliptical machine. We are getting it from a guy who had an add on and are saving lots-o-money, so we are quite excited about it. We thought we would end up paying three times this much money for an elliptical machine, so this is awesome.
This purchase is in response to the massive amounts of accumulated jiggliness that both Ethan and I have acquired over the past few years. Not ok.
Our plan is to exercise and be buff and beautiful for our trip to Hawaii this spring. We are not sure if we are going in March or April or some time around then...we are going to use our time share for the first time, and you give them a couple resorts that you like, and a couple dates, and they tell you which are available. I found a very nice resort in Maui that we can use, so I think that will be our first choice. Pictures.....
Beautiful, no???

Other than that excitement, I am going to the CK scrapbook convention tomorrow. I am taking 5 classes and going to the vendor faire and buying one of each. Don't tell Ethan. Should be a lot of fun.
Then...on Sunday we have another Sonics game. Hard to be excited, since we KNOW they are gone, but we still love them so much, so we will go and scream and yell and have the best time we can. Plus, it is the Lakers, and they are SO easy to hate.
Monday night is MNF versus the Raiders, which should be fun, despite the fact that half of the team is out or injured or dealing with thyroid issues (how random is THAT??). The Raiders suck sufficiently that we should still win handily. This will be my first in person monday night football experience, which will be cool. I have only seen one Seahawks loss in person (sadly enough, it was a couple weeks ago, but the starters will be back SOON so we are still superbowl-bound).


1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Hawaii = Super Purdy. that is going to be such fun!