Friday, March 18, 2005

Off to Portland (again)

Getting ready to head down to Portland for the weekend for a scrapbooking convention with Davinie, Sabrina, Morgan, Raegan and mom, the babysitter. Should be a good time. I am leaving Ethan well stocked with spaghetti and pizza as a backup, and plenty of kibble for the little fuzzy guys.
I have decided to rectify my problem with my wedding negatives (which you know nothing about, since this is my first mention of it on here) by buying a top of the line scanner. It will still end up cheaper, and Ethan's creepy boss says he will buy it from us when we are done and use it to scan in a bunch of negatives he has at home, so it will be all good. It looks like it will be at a bare minimum $3 per negative to have this professionally done, and I have about 300 negatives, so that is a bit steep. And that is at what dpi and resolution, etc. Just better this way. I will play around with my existing scanner Tuesday to see how this all works, then post over at to see peoples suggestions as to a high quality scanner for this.

So, I am not at all packed, and have some running around to do, so I must stop this procrastination and head out.......

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