Sunday, September 16, 2007

Due to unforseen computer connectivity issues and idiot shuttle drivers who arrive 45 MINUTES LATE and make me miss meeting Mom at the airport, there will be no updates yet. I hope once I arrive at the Marriott I can get hooked up and upload pictures.

Pictures taken day 1: 120
Subjects in pictures: unfortunately, 75 of the pictures are of me freaking out about the Opera house, and the remainder are of the harbour bridge.

Impressions: There are no fat people here. Not even the stupid American tourists. All skinny. I walked over 6 miles yesterday, and another 1.5 this morning getting sunrise pictures of the Opera house from atop the bridge. Hopefully people will stop looking at me........

I am at a free kiosk at the airport, will update this afternoon.....


Sabrina said...

People are looking at your luscious long and bountiful blonde hair.. .or the jigundo camera contraption you're surely carrying around. Get used to it.

Looking forward to the nest post!
OH.. did names get drawn and I just don't know about it?

Davinie Fiero said...

Looking forward to the next update!