Sunday, September 28, 2008

New header

I was inspsired both by Davinie's new header and by me coming across my old one as I moved all the .psd files from my old computer to my laptop (forgot to do that months ago when the other computer died and was replaced....just the other day realized that NONE of the digital layouts I did made it off the computer. SOOOO glad I was still able to get them!).

Anyway. New format, new colors. We will see how it goes. I am really hoping this post does not come out centered, because I cannot figure out how the heck the others became centered. I want them aligned left...not sure how they changed but I am sure I can figure it out...


alyca said...

okay, so it is still centered. Maybe it will grow on me. And, yes; I AM following myself.

alyca said...

Well, it was surprisingly easy to fix the whole alignment thingie.