It has been far too long since I have updated this poor neglected blog. So sad. So, here it goes. I went to Portland. I came back. In between, I did some scrapbooking, some catching up with nieces, and helped start mom's blog ( ). I have updated my other blog with more digital layouts ( ) and basically that is it. I had a great time in Portland. Learned a lot and was inspired, so I will not be giving up all my real life scrapbook stuff. I will do both digital and real life, because they are both fun to do.
I am now quite fond of staples and have figured out the packing tape transfers and I am learning more about taking good pictures and have become all around more crafty.
I am taking an online digital scrapbooking class that is fun so far. THey give you info on some aspect of scrapbooking, then you make a layout that shows that technique and all the students critique each others layouts and you get lots of great feedback. It is a ten week class, and I just am finishing week 2. The first week's topic was how to critique a layout, and the second week was balance in layouts--making a symmetrical or asymmetrical layout. I really understand a lot better what that means.
In a few weeks, I start another online class, this one through north seattle community college. This one is for digital photography, and I will receive 5 credits for completing the course, and it is all paid for by the state, since I am a state employee and NSCC is a state school. I am excited about learning many of the features on my camera that I currently do not understand well.
Other than craftiness, the Sonics have started back on their winning ways, which is always nice. Now that Tim Duncan is out we may have a shot at the second seed. They play in Portland tonight against the JailBlazers, then back here tomorrow against the Knicks. Both should be pretty easy games, but I hope we play hard to gear up for some tougher games coming up later. Today, in about an hour, the Huskies play in the Sweet-16 in the NCAA tournament. They are up agains Louisville, and it really feels like they are the underdog, even though they are a #1 seed. Actually, they ARE an underdog, by 1.5 points. Oh, well. Should be a great game. The national writers are predicting that this will be the most exciting game of the bunch. Pretty fast, small, similar teams going head to head.
I just got that terrible page saying that I am getting an admit. Penile something. Like I have ever taken care of a patient with a penis surgery. THis will be a first. And of course, he is my fifth patient. Figures. But, one of my other guys will be leaving in a couple hours, so that will send my load back down a bit. Well, I am sure they will call for report momentarily, so I am gonna go and look up his info so I have a bit of a background and know all the right questions to ask.
How about, "how's it hangin'?"
I am now COMMENTING!! Using Davinie's computor... I won't have internet till the 6th.... darn it anyway.. Can you snapfish those pictures you took of Raegan to me so I can order them and scrap them?
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