Friday, December 23, 2005

Just heard from Karin (our agent), and we are asking for $4600 for a carpet allowance and refrigerator allowance after getting a quote from a carpet guy who came out and looked and measured. For $5200, this same guy would put in hardwood floors (REAL hardwood, not Pergo, although I don't know so much if I would MIND having Pergo. It looks nice). in the living room, dining room, hallway and hall closets upstairs (not the stairs, though--those cost extra, like $75 per square foot!!). So we could do that, and just leave the downstairs as is (there is a torn/eaten corner of carpet in front of the bathroom door from the dog, and a vague/faint stain also in the sports room) We could replace that carpet some other time, or not at all. I mean, it IS the sports room. Beer will flow, at times onto the floor I am sure (during sporting events in which the home team does something very stupid or very good, of which unfortunately we see more of the former than of the latter), or who knows. I will have to look again and see. We could always just get the entire carpet redone and leave it at that, but I do love hardwood floors...........

Decisions, decisions, decisions. We will know by 9pm on Tuesday, which is when they have to respond by. The sellers flew out of town, but will be in contact with their agent at 4pm, so we MAY get an answer today, or not. They may want their own quote to go by.................I am quite sure I will update once we have news.........


Sabrina said...

Couple of things to think about: "REAL" hardwood is nice, but harder to maintain.. if your little one drops her sippy cup it could dent the wood, where as with Pergo ( still a hardwood floor, just laminated and on top of fiberboard) you don't have that problem, simply because Pergo is so much harder then "real" hardwood. Also, you are limited in how you can care for the floor. Most floor cleaners are a no-no with "real" hardwood. Just a thought... Also, If you put in Pergo or similar, you should have plenty $ left to get the downstairs rooms all re-carpeted AND a decent area rug for all of those celebratory stains...

Sabrina said...

Kind of a neat link:

Davinie Fiero said...

I think we have Highland Hickory.... but when we can afford it, I'm doing hardwood on the whole thing too, I think, despite the higher maintenance. It's up to you... but you are about to enter the baby phase.... and if your cats can scratch, their claws might do something too.

Davinie Fiero said...

Okay....... first, I'd have 2 or 3 other hardwood floor people come and give an estimate. Never go with the first guy. Second.... height of tack if you don't replace the linoleum in the kitchen if you hardwood all around it. Third..... Pergo can chip, linoleum can tear.... and hardwood can ding too, but you can buff it out. So, there aren't any options that are ding or scratch proof. So, I guess, if you find a hard wood, not a soft wood, that you love.... and think it's worth it to say you have hardwood rather than laminate flooring..... go for it. You don't have to make a decision today.

Sabrina said...

I think the kitchen is tile floors... is that right Alyca? It's hard to tell from the pictures but I thought you said it was a tile ( which, I saw a trading spaces episode and they make this tile wash dye stuff.. you wash the floor with this acidic wash, mop and rinse, then wash the floor again with this dye that adheres to the tile, but just faintly... they made this very cool Tuscan tile looking floor using a teracota (sp) wash and cream colored wash.. then go over it again with a sealant and VOILA! New looking tiles... but I agree, hardwood/laminate floors would look great in there, and tie in the whole area..)

Sabrina said...

So when is the official "get keys"date? Need to start a ticker on your blog!!!