I am going camping this weekend! I love camping. Although.....it is supposed to be not warm and fairly rainy, which is not ideal.....but still will be a ton-o-fun. We are going to the same place we went last Labor Day, Rasar state park. Ethan and I are staying Friday 'til Monday, but some others are staying an extra night. We are all set with camping gear now. We have our ginormous tent that Mom gave us years ago, an air mattress (that we got for when Mom came over), a tarp (we bought it Wednesday.....hard to believe we had no tarp), a fancy schmancy electric lantern (Justin had one last year and it was REALLY bright and nice to have), and a big cooler with wheels. It is, sadly enough, too tall to fit in the trunk, but it is a nice one. It is square in shape instead of rectangular, and taller than most, and has some cup holders cut into the lid. We needed a really big one for when Ethan goes boar hunting--he will have 100lbs at least of meat to bring home. He may end up buying some cheapie styrofoam ones to fit everything in...this one is 70 quarts or 70 gallons or whatever they measure coolers by. 70 something. The only bigger one I saw was the one that fits across the bed of a truck. Seeing as how we have no truck, we decided against going with that one. And by 'we' I mean 'me', since I was the one doing the choosing and purchasing.
So....tent, tarp, air mattress, cooler......we still don't have sleeping bags, but we have a million quilts that mom has made us, and they work just fine.
Last year there was a torrential downpour of rain, and we improvised a roof by tying grocery bags together to make a rope and using them to hold up a tarp over the picnic table. Hopefully not quite so bad this year.....only 30% chance of rain for saturday and sunday, and Monday should be nice....but a 60% chance of rain on Friday........
AND.....I bought a wacom tablet to use with my laptop. It is still taking a bit to get used to it, but I like it so far. Lots of possibilities. And, the pen is pressure sensitive, so if I push harder I draw a thicker line, and if I push softer it is a thinner line. Pretty cool! There is a mouse for the tablet, too, and it works like a regular wireless mouse. Very exciting. I did a layout yesterday of Ethan at the microbrew festival we went to in Reno last year. Entitled :Got beer??. Very exciting. I will finish tweaking it and add it to my digiscrapping website at some point. Not my finest work, but my first digital layout attempt in a couple months. Actually, maybe more than that.....it has been quite a while since I did that......
Lots o scrapping. I have to choose paper or computer now, too many options! I discovered that I can play a DVD movie on the laptop while I scrap in my little room, so I am entertained while I make a mess. And I DO make a mess....I need to wheel my last cart in there, it has a drawer of paper scraps, and I need to add all the ones taking over the desk into the drawer so I can actually SEE the desk. And figure out everything else, too. I still need a chair that is adjustable in height, and can swivel. I like swivelling. The desk is a bit tall now, I find myself kneeling a lot of the time (until my feet fall asleep). The cats have taken to hanging out in the shelves below the desk (which is fine by me...nothing they can hurt down there), or sitting on my lap while I scrap (Shadow), although the lap thing doesn't work well. Shadow can see what I am up to, then he notices the strings and teeny bits everywhere and wants to play with them. We can't let him into the computer room, either. He wants to chase the mouse across the screen. Cute, because he is a cat and it is a mouse, but not so cute when he furs up the keyboard and sits on it.
What else....oh--we are so in love with a new show! Actually, it is an old show, but we recently found it and really like it. Anyone remember a movie that came out last year called Serenity?? Billed as possibly the best sci-fi movie ever?? I don't think it is the best ever, but it WAS good. We found out that it is based off a TV show called Firefly that was cancelled after its first season. We found some episodes, then bought the entire season. What a great show!! I can't believe it was cancelled! The show is basically a sci-fi show with chinese and western influences. I know, I know.....sounds really odd, but it is good! The chinese influence is in some of the clothing and decor, and whenever people get upset and curse, they switch to speaking in Chinese, so the censors don't get upset. People generally argue in chinese/english, and yell at each other in chinese/english. It really works. The western thing is that the show is about people who are not happy about the new government that is taking over all the planets and trying to rule them, so these people have gone to the very edges of civilization, where there aren't always futuristic amenities--people ride horses instead of cars or flying machines, and live on ranches. Almost feels like the 1800s. Such a good show, though!! The show is based on a group of people living on a ship called Serentity, and working as sort of theives to do jobs for money , and try to screw over the government that they don't like.
Sounds really stupid, but it is a really good show. The one-liners they have are just so funny! Excellent writing.
Anyway..........Camping, scrapbooking, TV watching........busy life for a busy girl!!