Tuesday, January 24, 2006

'nuf said


Sabrina said...

Congrats.. hey, you're moving in this weekend, huh... YAH!!

Sabrina said...

OH, BTW... Matt is doing a shift bid and if he gets his desired shift, at the end of this term he will have 4 days a week off, tuesday to friday... maybe we will come up and partake of your guest room?? visit a little? go to Pike Place? show Rae around.... Whatcha think? Of course, that is only if he gets that shift... good possabilities!

Davinie Fiero said...

HAVE FUN MOVING!!!!!! Just did it, it ain't fun, but since you are "movin' on up!" it should be a breeze! That house is more than big enough for all your things! Be patient with the floor/refrigerator guys! Perfection can take time! Good luck~!

Davinie Fiero said...

Oh, and confine your cats to one room for a day or two so that they aren't overwhelmed by the whole thing! A room that they will be allowed in once you are in. It will be an easier transition. Good luck Shadow and Boo!