Saturday, May 20, 2006

Goings on

So, yesterday we went to see the Da Vinci Code, (overall kinda disappointing, but not really a bad movie, just not as good as the book...), and as we left, Ethan decided he wanted to get some more blank CD's so he could burn more music from the computer onto them......we go to Tukwila which is a teeny suburb town consisting of the Southcenter mall and a bunch of megastores....I don't think anyone actually lives there, just the stores.......
Anyway, we went over to Best Buy and found the appropriate CDs (after figuring out the difference between CDR and CDRW), and got caught up in the computer section, specifically the laptop section. Okay, so it was ME getting caught up, but Ethan indulged me. After some discussion with the Best Buy computer guys, we decided that a particular computer would be the most appropriate for what I want in a laptop (great graphics, and enough oomph to run PSCS2 without stalling all the time, like our desktop does), and we left to go to Red Robin for our obligatory meals (shroom burger for Ethan, and baked potato soup with side salad and ranch for me..........we ALWAYS go to the Red Robin after going to a movie, although this time was a bit different. I usually get a Jamaican shake to drink, but I switched to a vodka and cranberry juics instead. Ethan did in fact stick with the large Alaskan Amber as is his norm) a bit lost there

So we had our meal, then went back over to Best Buy and purchased said laptop, receiving a 10% discount on the CDs for our troubles.

At home, I consulted with Matt, the family computer guru, about the safety of connecting my external hard drive to the laptop (the laptop is NOT going to be ever connected to the internet, this way it stays safe from viruses and rifraff). I need to get my pictures and scrapbook files (there are as of last night over 16 thousand of them in total, about 20 gigabytes worth) off of the external hard drive and onto my laptop. Matt gave me some instructions on how best to do this, then I was off. Have I mentioned how much faster this laptop is than my desktop?? Blazing speed! I have everything moved over, and just need to go back to take PSCS2 and Picasa and move them over to the laptop, and voila, I have a functional, portable scrapping machine!


Davinie Fiero said...

Congrats on the laptop.... and I'm hoping that I think you are WRONG on the Da Vinci Code, because I'm looking forward to finding a couple of hours... because I want to go see it. I loved the book. Very intriguing....

Anyway. Cool beans on the laptop!

Sabrina said...

Re: Laptop. What is the point of installing Picasa if that laptop will never be connected to the 'net? Just curious.

Anyhoo... YAY for the laptop! I'm just starting the book and wouldn't be able to see the movie till it comes out for rent anyway, so no big investment for me if it sucks!

Side Note... LOVE the movie Nannie McPhee

alyca said...

Picasa is AMAZING for organizing photos. I have over 16 thousand pictures and scrapbook doodads (papers, ribbons, etc), and I have them ALL organized by subject or date (photos). And my scrapbook stuff is organized into categories--background papers, which are further broken down into folders by who made them, and another category is accents, which are also broken down by who made them. I have tons of alphabets (not fonts, actual alphabets, some letters on charms, some tags with letters on them, some that look like chipboard), and those are stored in an alphabet folder separate from the other stuff. Makes things really easy to find, and it is visual, not name based, and I really like it. I don't use any of the editing features, but I just love it for organization.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.