Saturday, August 12, 2006

For those who are interested....

There is a CKC Scrapbook convention in Bellevue on November 2-4 (Saturday is the 4th). I am going. I am going to lots of classes and buying lots of stuff. Registration starts August 16, and I plan to register as soon as I can. If any of you are interested in coming, you are more than welcome to stay at my house. No idea how the kid thing would work out, and Ethan is NOT interested in babysitting........but if you can make it work, you should come! (NOTE: This is intended for Sabrina and Davinie. Any other scrapping lurkers who may be reading this are NOT invited to my house. Sorry for any confusion.....)

The website for the convention is
Lots of cool classes. I am going alone if no one comes, but it would be fun with you guys, too!


Davinie Fiero said...

Crap. I can only go if Mom goes and babysits! And she's currently out of the country to ask!

Sabrina said...

Wow, that'll be fun! Davinie, I think Mom's racing season is over by NOvember... maybe? what day of the week is it on?

Davinie Fiero said...

Well, did you register for classes? I think today was the first day!